
Genomic testing can reveal information about your risk for disease and inherited genes from your parents. Some may wish to not know about their risk for certain diseases, which is why we have ensured that you can customize your analysis.

Most BioAro testing services can be done easily by ordering a collection kit online, collecting the sample at home, either mailing back or dropping it off at one of the BioAro collection centers for sequencing and analysis. BioAro also offers virtual services, such as remote consultations and online ordering, which allows customers throughout North America to access their products and services.

BioAro is a Calgary based genomics and precision health company. All tests are done in Canada, and BioAro will never sell your data. Your data stays safe, secure and confidential with BioAro.

Genetic and microbiome testing is safe across the lifespan, including at birth. All age groups can benefit. It can help provide insight to health status and health concerns today, tomorrow and in the future.

There are many reason why people get genetic analysis:
  • Pre-existing condition
  • Numerous symptoms or health concerns without a single cause determined
  • Existing conditions with potential for heredity (passing on to kids)
  • Treatment decisions and determining the best medication for them
  • Predisposition to health concerns
  • Familial history of disease
  • Suspected genetic link of disease
  • Screening & prevention
  • Screening and establishing a baseline for personalized health information.
  • New and expecting parents.
  • Companion diagnostics – determines how well a treatment will work for you.

A genome is composed of coding and non-coding regions. The coding regions are known as exons and the non-coding regions are known as introns. All the exons combined in a genome are known as exomes. Of the entire genome only ~1 to 2% of our genome is “coded” to make the genes that we are familiar. It is important to study the exomes because the majority of mutations occur in the coding regions. Therefore, sequencing and analysing only the exomes is an easier process.The non-coding regions from the genome have to be spliced so that the coding regions can join together and translate into a functional mRNA

The genome is the total genetic information of a person. A genome is composed of both coding and non-coding regions. The WGS is the entire DNA code of a person, and it includes all of your chromosomes, from both parents. This encodes for all of the molecular machinery that has created your unique self – your book of life.

The genome is the entire DNA code of a person, which includes genes and other DNA. All of your chromosomes from both parents are considered and it includes ~3 billion bases.
While we have a lot of DNA code, not all of it encodes our genes. Only ~1-2 % of our genome is “coded” to make the genes that we are familiar with and these coded sequences are called the exome. The sequences of the exome have the most recognized associations to disease but the remaining genome is also important. The future of genomic science in the next decade will be uncovering the secrets beyond the exome. Your health future will benefit from going big.

Though genome sequencing is more costly in both time and money to perform it is for good reason. With a genome sequence will be receiving 100x the amount of DNA sequence information than you would with exome sequencing. This allows you lifetime access to use this information to receive personalized healthcare. After you have passed away, your genetic legacy will still be able to live on by enabling your future generations to access your DNA information and use it to learn about their own.

Imagine your whole Genome Sequence is like a book. The letters in the book are like the DNA. When we put the letters of the DNA together to form words we call this codons. When we put the codons together to create sentences, this is called your genes. These genes are organized into chapters, or chromosomes. The genes provide instructions to our cells. Whole Genome Sequencing is like running spellcheck on every sentence (gene), in every chapter (chromosome) of your book. We all have the same 20,000 genes, but we all have some spelling mistakes compared to one another.

Imagine your whole Genome Sequence is like a book. The letters in the book are like the DNA. When we put the letters of the DNA together to form words we call this codons. When we put the codons together to create sentences, this is called your genes. These genes are organized into chapters, or chromosomes. The genes provide instructions to our cells. Whole Genome Sequencing is like running spellcheck on every sentence (gene), in every chapter (chromosome) of your book. We all have the same 20,000 genes, but we all have some spelling mistakes compared to one another.

Next generation sequencing (NGS) is the type of sequencing technology BioAro uses to create a readable version of your DNA code. Important DNA differences between individuals that cause physical trait differences like eye colour or internal differences like a sensitivity to a food are called variants. These variations come from many years of evolution and DNA merges through reproduction. In early times, sequencing was only able to read short sections (reads) of one sequence of DNA at a time. Now, sequencing technology is able to read the whole genome. This technological innovation is known as massive parallel sequencing or next generation sequencing (NGS). NGS was initially used to selectively target parts of the genome where we knew variations occurred for certain disease. Today, NGS has grown to allow for sequencing of the whole exome or whole genome, massively expanding our ability to read and interpret differences in DNA between individuals.

Not everyone who gets their genome sequenced will have a positive result flagging something of concern, which does not mean you will not develop the analyzed disease, it simply means that you are at lower risk than others in the population. The development of disease is a result of not only your genetics, but also the environment you live in and how you live your life. For the same reason, a negative result does not prevent you from the possibility of developing a certain disease.


Our microbiome is composed of communities of bacteria, archaea, viruses, protozoans and fungi. It has greater complexity as well as a higher number of genes than the human genome itself. This community of microbes has even been described as a supporting organ in the human body. Microbes and our human cells live in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship. However, the microbiome is dynamic and susceptible to changes such as diet, use of antibiotics and changes in homeostasis of the human body. Such changes affect the symbiotic relationship that exists between our body and microbiota. Pathogenic or ‘bad’ microbes are typically unable to gain control or large numbers until there is a change in our microbiome for the worse, which makes the human body more susceptible to diseases.

Microbiomes refers to microorganisms living on and in our body. The majority of these microbes live in our gut, with the second largest group being in our mouth. Microbial communities also reside on our skin and even in our genital tracts. All microbiome communities have the ability to affect our health, our partner’s health and even our future children’s health. BioAro offers oral, skin, vaginal and gut microbiome testing.

The first exposure to microorganisms for a human is in the birth canal during vaginal delivery. Most microbes that the infant is exposed to in the early days of life solely come from the mother through milk and contact through skin. As the infant grows, environmental exposures and diet changes can lead to the development of their own unique microbiome, which is very instrumental in training a child’s immune cells and eventually dictates many facets of adult human health.

Microbes also have a broader effect on our health, contributing to our nutrition by producing metabolites, nutrients, and vitamins. They also affect metabolic functions by influencing our fat storage, they can protect our body against pathogens and even help in the education of our immune system. They have also been shown to affect our physiological functions directly and indirectly by influencing brain function and human behaviour, making it an indispensable organ of our body.However, pathogenic microbes can displace beneficial microbes over time, changing metabolic processes that could result in an abnormal immune response against our body. Hence, even autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia have been associated with dysfunction in the microbiome. Inheritance of autoimmune diseases is described less by human DNA inheritance and more by inheritance of a familial microbiome.

Microbiome analysis compiles useful information about the populations of microbes living in or on your body. Our microbiomes can be thought of as a busy city commute. Sometimes the entire drive from home to work is smooth, the weather is nice, and all drivers on the road are calm. Other times the drive is filled with accidents, delays, bad conditions, traffic, and angry drivers. We would all want to have the smooth drive to work, but this is not always the case, because of the environment we live in or the types of drivers on the road. Similarly, our microbiome is filled with many different types of microbes (like drivers on the road) and these can be positively or negatively impacted by the environment we live in (road and weather conditions). Ultimately, the quality of our health & wellness is largely determined by the composition of things we live with, like our drive to work, foods we eat, and our activity patterns.

Both provide an understanding of whether or not your microbes are within a healthy balance or if there is a larger proportion of microbe communities that can cause health problems.

Bacterial diversity analysis looks at a single gene (16S rRNA) in two types of microbes (bacteria and archaea) providing a report similar to a general census being done by the government. Your report will include the diversity of different microbe populations, this is called a taxonomic profile.

Comprehensive microbiome analysis looks at all of the genes in five types of microbes (bacteria, archaea, fungus, parasites, and viruses) providing a detailed report on the identity of the microbes, with a more complete census as well as a list of antibiotic resistance genes that were found to inform what antibiotic treatment you should be prescribed. At BioAro we complete a comprehensive microbiome analysis


  • Undiagnosed gut problems
  • Sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances
  • Previously discovered digestive problems
  • Mental health and memory concerns
  • Chronic condition management
  • Important in health areas such as: gastrointestinal (GI) health, obesity, diabetes, liver health, colorectal cancer, heart disease, infections and the immune system

Our intestines are host to trillions of microbes, making it the most diverse microbiome we have, affecting every stage of our life. From the moment we are born, we begin populating our gut microbiome, some of which help us to extract energy from non-digestible components of milk. As we age, the microbiome plays a large part in digestion control, generate metabolites to provide nutrition, and helps train our immune system to protect helpful bacteria and recognize bad bacteria.Generally, the gut microbiome is closely linked to our health through the gut-brain axis affecting the development of brain and mental health conditions. It is also involved in energy acquisition from eating, protection from bad microbes, and the building of vitamins & metabolites that boost our wellness.

Microbiomes have been implicated in many health conditions, but the microbiome in our gut has the most overall influence on our health. The gut microbiome affects our gut health, brain function through the gut-brain axis [1], heart health [2], lung health [3] and even our skin [4]. In certain gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, one might benefit from a combination of WGS with gut microbiome characterization. As described previously, gut microbiome is associated with autoimmune and metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes. The gut-brain axis is also increasingly associated with autism spectrum disorder. Gut microbes and the metabolites they produce are described to have an impact on joints, liver, and heart health. Gut microbial metabolites are also known to affect the prognosis of colon cancer. One of the microbiome-centric interventions in a clinical condition that has shown extraordinary efficacy is in treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infections. Clostridium difficile infection occurs after or during the use of antibiotics for other clinical conditions. Recurrence of Clostridium difficile infection is very common and can occur in about 15-35% of CDI patients.

  • Important in
    • Immunity
    • Energy
    • Fat and sugars metabolism
  • Relevant health conditions
    • Weight fluctuations
    • Diabetes
    • Liver health (hepatic steatosis)
    • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs)
    • Cancers
    • Mental health
    • Cognition

  • Important in
    • Fermentation of non-digestible substances like fibres
    • Fermentation helps specialist microbes grow
    • Specialist microbes produce helpful metabolites
  • Relevant health conditions
    • Heart conditions
    • Weight fluctuations
    • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs)
    • Cancers
    • Mental health
    • Cognition
  • Collection method for large intestine microbiome analysis is by stool sample

In the past, mental health and illness was thought to be defects in brain processes. This has changed with our new understanding of how our metabolism, endocrine system, immune state, joints, and gut health impacts brain and mental processes. Research into the brain-gut-axis has become a popular field, with results coming out about its effect on the development of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, metabolic disorders, psychiatric, and neurological disorders. This includes:

  • Developmental disorders during childhood: such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia
  • Mood disorders: such as depression and anxiety
  • Neurodegeneration: such as Parkinson disease (PD), Alzheimer disease (AD), multiple sclerosis (MS)

When you receive a microbiome analysis report it is a picture or snapshot of your microbiome at a single point in time. To make the most of microbiome analysis it is suggested to:

  • Atherosclerosis (thickened arteries due to plaque build-up) prevention
    • Metabolites produced by good microbes reduce plaque build-up and inflammation of the arteries
    • Specialised microbes convert cholesterol into another substance that is easily eliminated from the body through defecation
  • Heart disease
    • Microbe metabolism of certain animal derived food products such as red meat creates a metabolite that has been found to be indicative of heart disease and can be causative in atherosclerosis
  • Risk for heart failure
    • Gut microbiome composition has been shown to be specifically lacking and abundant in certain microbes in healthy vs heart failure subjects. Microbiome analysis can indicate a clear risk for heart problems and can inform dietary intervention to decrease risk of heart complications.


  • Vaginal Health Status
  • Vaginal dysbiosis and bacterial vaginosis
  • Expecting mothers
  • Infant and maternal health
  • Preventing pre-term births and PPROM
  • Menopause and vaginal dryness
  • Previous signs of bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, or aerobic vaginitisExpecting mothers
  • Fertility
  • Sexual health

The vaginal microbiome changes in composition throughout a woman’s lifetime. In reproductive years, the vaginal microbiome is dominated by one species of bacteria called Lactobacillus, with the vagina being the only site that is described to be healthy/normal with low diversity. Human vaginal microbiota is described to be causative of bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and urogenital diseases. Dysbiosis of the vaginal microbiome could potentially increase a person’s risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Misdiagnosis for various vaginal conditions and recurrence of conditions like bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a huge problem for women who suffer this discomfort. Bacterial vaginosis, the most common vaginal dysbiotic condition, is thought to affect 1 in 3 women of reproductive-age. BV is also considered to be a risk factor for subfertility and infertility in women.

A specific class of microbiome, called Mollicutes are implicated in causing fertility issues. Increased presence of specific bacterial taxa along with higher abundance of Candida (yeast) and reduced Lactobacillus in the vaginal microbiome, is often present in women with fertility problems. Research also confirms the vaginal microbiome as being a component that influences outcomes with IVF and assisted reproductive technology (ART).

In a healthy pregnancy, the mucous plug at the cervix blocks bacteria from ascending into the uterus. However, a subset of vaginal microbiome organisms are able to ascend to the upper genital tract and gain access to the uterus and amniotic sac during pregnancy. The subset of bacteria that do this are able to degrade hyaluronan and other amino sugars that form the matrix of cervical mucous plug. By degrading the mucous plug of the cervix, and thereby gaining access to uterus, the microbiome can act on the amniotic sac and cause preterm birth and other prenatal and postpartum complications. Microbiome testing can be useful in cases with history of preterm birth, spontaneous abortions, preterm labor, chorioamnionitis, amnionitis, and PPROM (Preterm premature rupture of membrane during pregnancy)

To start, a healthy adult vaginal microbiome is typically dominated by a bacteria known as Lactobacillus, which produces lactic acid and bacteriocin to maintain a low vaginal pH of 4.5 or less. The environment created by this helpful bacteria protects the vaginal microbiome from other harmful bacteria and yeast from growing.
To start, a healthy adult vaginal microbiome is typically dominated by a bacteria known as Lactobacillus, which produces lactic acid and bacteriocin to maintain a low vaginal pH of 4.5 or less. The environment created by this helpful bacteria protects the vaginal microbiome from other harmful bacteria and yeast from growing.
Early childhood (1 – 8 years): vaginal pH is either neutral or basic (high pH), as its microbiome consists mostly of microbes found in our gut and skin.
Puberty (8 – 13 years): the hormonal and human cells change, which begins the process of increasing good bacteria that produce lactic acid, like Lactobacillus.
Reproductive years: the menstrual cycle of a woman controls hormonal changes and increases in estrogen allow for dominance of Lactobacillus. During periods of low estrogen, the microbiome will once again change and be more susceptible to infections.
Pregnancy: disruption in the menstrual cycle that brings about stability to Lactobacillus dominance and maintained levels of estrogen.
Menopause: With the end of menstrual cycling there is a distinct reduction in estrogen, causing vaginal dryness with an increase in vaginal pH and lower levels of Lactobacillus.
There is a delicate balance between various microbes and human cells in the vagina at all times. The delicate balance of these can be disturbed by antibiotics & medications, aging, sexual activities, and more. When changes do occur in the vaginal microbiome there is the possibility of increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and during pregnancy the risk of inducing pre-term birth through PPROM. Thus, it is important to make sure we maintain a healthy composition of our vaginal microbiomes, especially when it can impact the immune system of your baby long after it is born.


The oral microbiome refers to the community of microbes that reside in our oral cavity and is the second largest community (with over 700 kinds) that resides in/on our body [1]. The normal microbiome consists of bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea and protozoa. Oral microbiota is now recognized to be able to engage the brain by producing metabolites that can influence the brain. The oral microbiome is known to work closely with gut microbiome, influencing conditions like IBD, liver diseases, heart diseases, metabolic diseases and cancer. The oral microbiome can be tested along with gut microbiome and may be specifically monitored to understand persistent conditions such as caries, periodontal disease and gingivitis.

The oral microbiome includes all of the microbes living in your mouth, which includes those living on the hard surfaces of your teeth and the soft surfaces of your tongue and mouth walls. As soon as food enters your mouth the oral microbiome begins the digestion process before it even gets to your gut.

Your oral microbiome contributes to a range of health areas of your body. Directly it impacts your dental health, the gut microbiome and your ability to obtain nutrients and nourishment from food, however it also has impacts your cognition, mental health, and immune system. The impact your oral health has on the rest of your body can be studied through the contents of the oral microbiome.


  • For skincare &aesthetics
  • History of skin issues
  • Potential or confirmed eczema, psoriasis, acne, or rosacea
  • Chronic wounds

The skin microbiome is the collection of all of the microbes living on our skin. These microbes help prevent bad microbes from colonizing and inhabiting our skin, which can cause us to become sick.

If your skin microbiome lacks diversity in its microbe populations it can directly cause the development of eczema, psoriasis, acne, and rosacea. If your skin microbiome has been filled with bad bacteria it can prevent the healing of wounds, developing into a chronic condition. By performing two microbiome analysis tests, once before and once after, the application of a skin product, we can determine how the product may be impacting your skin microbiome and your chance for skin problems.